This department is intentionally hands-on with their educational approach. The students paint almost every day and are involved in all manner of tactile experiences. For instance, instead of a paint brush, they may use a fly swatter or a corn cob. This is a very creative classroom.
Our teachers encourage students to be independent thinkers and problem solvers. They teach alphabet lessons using Bible stories and have a different theme each week that points to God’s creativity, provision and love. The students experience Fine Arts by studying a different artist and composer each month and take a field trip to a local high school band hall. They enjoy PE time and are always excited to see the Birthday Bunny celebrate a classmate’s birthday.
They love preparing crafts for parties for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine’s Day and also participates in our school-wide activities like our Fall Carnival, Pajama Day and Fitness Day along with our Circus, Easter Egg Hunts and Hygiene Day.